Travelers In The Night

Series produced by Albert Grauer

Series image
Image by: NASA 

Travelers In The Night is your unique source of insider Information from the Asteroid Hunting and Space Communities.
The music is "Eternity" by John Lyell.

The PRX Series “Travelers In The Night” has more than 6,250 PRX free purchases as well as more than 821,000 downloads on the internet. It has been aired on 59 radio stations.

It features an engaging and informative series of two minute, factual episodes about asteroids, comets, spacecraft, and other objects in space.

The pieces are "evergreen" in that they are current but not dated.

The Travelers In The Night Pieces are written and produced by a member of the Catalina Sky Survey Team at the University of Arizona.

The Catalina Sky Survey has discovered nearly half of the Earth approaching objects known to exist.

807 Pieces

Order by: Newest First | Oldest First
Caption: Ultraviolet View of Mars from MAVEN Satellite , Credit: NASA
When the Earth enters a stream of high speed protons and other charged particles in the solar wind or our home planet is impacted by a solar corona...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KGLP, KRWG, KKRN and more

  • Added: Jul 22, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 6
Caption: Lunar Impact Crater, Credit: NASA
During a recent 60 day period of time 23 space rocks came closer to Earth than our Moon

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KRWG, KGLP, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Jul 14, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Caption: Radar Image Toutatis, Credit: NASA
It is hard to obtain time on the 8m Gemini South Observatory telescope on Cerro Pachon in Chile and the Large Binocular Telescope with its twin 8m ...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP, KRWG and more

  • Added: Jul 07, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Piece image
During a recent 60 day period asteroid hunters observed 23 asteroids which came closer to us than our Moon. Six of them passed closer to the Earth...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KRWG, KGLP and more

  • Added: Jun 30, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Caption: Artists Conception Of Earth And An Asteroid, Credit: Texas A&M/NASA
After months of training Tracie came full circle during her first solo 3 night observing run on the 60 inch telescope as she hosted groups of visi...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP, KRWG and more

  • Added: Jun 23, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Caption: Vesta, Credit: NASA
Since larger space rocks are rare, it was surprising when my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Hannes Groller found a half mile diameter asteroid travel...

Bought by KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KGLP, KKRN and more

  • Added: Jun 16, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 6
Caption: Halley's Comet, Credit: NASA
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Kacper Wierzchos was asteroid hunting in the constellation of Draco with the Steward Observatory Bok 90 inch telesc...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KICI Iowa City, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], Raven Radio and more

  • Added: Jun 09, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Astronaut on an Asteroid      , Credit: NASA (Advanced Concepts Program)
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Jacqueline Fazekas was asteroid hunting with our small but mighty Schmidt telescope on Mt. Bigelow, Arizona when sh...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KKRN, KUGS Bellingham, Wash. and more

  • Added: Jun 02, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: In an artist’s rendering, light from quasars passes through intergalactic clouds of hydrogen gas. The light offers clues to the structure of the distant cosmos, Credit: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld and DESI
In an astonishing rebirth, the Mayall 4-m telescope has jumped to the forefront of astronomy once again because it is sturdy and precise enough to...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP and more

  • Added: May 26, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Milky Way Rising Over the Gila Wilderness, Credit: Steven Miller
The Cosmic Campground International Dark Sky Sanctuary and the Aldo Leopold Gila Wilderness in New Mexico are gateways to nature where man is only ...

Bought by KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, Raven Radio and more

  • Added: May 19, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Enceladus, Credit: ESA
Life on Earth appears to have formed in our oceans. Scientists are thus on the hunt for other worlds which have oceans of liquid water and thus po...

Bought by KUGS Bellingham, Wash., Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: May 12, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Asteroid 2014 JO25, Credit: NASA Goldstone RADAR
It is essential that asteroid hunters keep track of potentially dangerous asteroids to make sure that their orbits haven’t changed as they encounte...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KRWG, KGLP and more

  • Added: May 05, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: COMET C/2024 E1 (Wierzchos), Credit:
On the 3rd of March 2024 while asteroid hunting with our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon , Arizona my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Kacper Wierzcho...

Bought by Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KGLP and more

  • Added: Apr 28, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Nucleus of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, Credit: Jan Erik Vallestad
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks comes near the Sun once every 71 years. It was discovered in 1812 by Jean Louis Pons at Marseilles, France and then rediscov...

Bought by Raven Radio, KGLP, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Apr 21, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Itakowa, Credit: NASA
Recently my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Vivian Carjaval was asteroid hunting in the constellation of Ursa Minor with our Schmidt telescope on Mt. ...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Apr 14, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artists conception space rock and Earth, Credit: PIXABAY
Perhaps the most dangerous Amor asteroid is 2006 HZ51 .It was discovered by my team the Catalina Sky Survey. Fortunately the closest 2006 HZ51 wil...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP and more

  • Added: Apr 07, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Arietid meteor shower, Credit: GETTY
P/1999 J6 (SOHO) was discovered 10 May 1995 by Mike Oates as part of the Citizen Science Sun Grazer Project in which volunteers from all over the w...

Bought by KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Mar 31, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: A fragment of the Asteroid 2024 BX1 recovered in Germany is a rare meteorite class called Aubrite, Credit: SETI
It all started when Krisztián Sárneczky at the Konkoly Observatory near Budapest, Hungary reported the position and brightness of an unknown astero...

Bought by KUGS Bellingham, Wash., Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Mar 24, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artists Conception Earth and Asteroid, Credit: Texas A&M
My new Catalina Sky Survey Teammate Vivian Carjaval was scheduled for three 13h long winter nights for her first solo observing run on our Schmidt ...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Mar 17, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Comet ISON, Credit: HST
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Josh Hogan was asteroid hunting in the constellation of Taurus with our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Arizona wh...

Bought by Raven Radio, RADIOLEX, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP, KRWG and more

  • Added: Mar 10, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8