
Playlists are lists of pieces grouped around a theme. They're a great way to find new pieces and remember your favorites. Learn More.

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Caption: The consequence? Intimidation of constituents so they dare not call..., Credit: SusanCook
Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Civil Liberties for Lifelong Learners

Commentaries, Sixty Second Moral Inquiries and Two and One Half Minute Conspiracy Theories along with a lyric or two for The Great American Wrongbook (and the Department of Poetic Justice and Reckoning) ! Life long education to answer the question : What is a civil liberty anyway? In 2011, at...
Caption: Lyrics too!  "The old gray mare...", Credit: Susan Cook
Updated: Jul 26, 2024

The Department of Poetic Justice (and Poetic Reckoning)

Back in 2013, my collection "Blue: American Sonnets" was entered in a contest sponsored by the Alice James Press. Some are presented here. The poems written in sonnet form come from the longing for justice and the emotional angst of seeing this country falter. I did not know Wanda Coleman or...
Caption: Public radio that is truly public prevents the silencing of those voicing concern about violations of human rights., Credit: Susan Cook
Updated: Jul 26, 2024

The River Is Wide

The River Is Wide is written by a political activist and psychologist. Citizen's Guides, the occasional Congressional Guide, sonnets when no other format seems appropriate, A Sixty Second Moral Inquiry from time to time, original poetry from our Department of Poetic Justice and brief essay-ish...
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Updated: Jul 26, 2024

It's Not What You're Given. It's What You Do With What You Get

These days, from the intricacies unraveled through the secrets of the human genome to the moral entitlement of any number of religious sects, what you are given is grabbed onto like a brass ring. Turns out though, as the lyrics of a great Maine jazz singer remind us, it's not what you're given,...
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Updated: Jul 24, 2024

michele ravera's favorites

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Updated: Jul 23, 2024

1960s1970s Music

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Updated: Jul 23, 2024

Old School

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Updated: Jul 23, 2024

STONE Movie scores

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Updated: Jul 23, 2024

Turntable for One

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Updated: Jul 23, 2024

Night on the Town

Nostalgia from early 1920s Broadway to Late 20th Century
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Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Sandra Beatty's Favorites

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Updated: Jul 20, 2024

Regular Shows

Caption: Theresa Nguyen (L) talks to her daughter, Stephanie (R), about balancing their Vietnamese heritage with raising a family in the United States. <a href="">Listen Here</a>.
Updated: Jul 18, 2024


From poetic turns of phrase to plain-spoken truths, there are little gems of wisdom in each one of these stories.
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Updated: Jul 18, 2024


Caption: StoryCorps Facilitator Lillie Love passed away on June 25, 2010. <a href="">Listen here</a>, to her positive persective on life.
Updated: Jul 18, 2024


StoryCorps' collection of African American stories from all across the country.
Caption: Retired New York City sanitation worker Angelo Bruno (L) speaks with his former partner, Eddie Nieves (R), about working together on their daily route. <a href="">Listen Here</a>.
Updated: Jul 16, 2024


We all spend 8 hours a day at it: hear stories from and about work, unusual jobs, and loving what you do.
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Updated: Jul 16, 2024

Military Voices Initative

StoryCorps' Military Voices Initiative provides a platform for veterans, service members, and military families to share their stories. In doing so we honor their voices, amplify their experiences, and let them know that we—as a nation—are listening. Learn more at:...
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Updated: Jul 16, 2024


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Updated: Jul 16, 2024

One Small Step

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Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Elvis Presley - Memphis

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Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Evergreen Episodes of Possibly

A curated list of episodes without language that could put the episode out of date. All episodes are written with a national audience in mind.
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Updated: Jul 10, 2024

Women's Issues

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Updated: Jul 08, 2024

Labor Day

Labor Day is Mon. Sept. 2.
Caption: Zenobbie Clark (L) and her sister, Diana Carter (R), remember their brother, Samuel "Bubba" Hammond Jr. <a href="">Listen Here</a>.
Updated: Jul 04, 2024


Yes, they were there for that. They saw it, heard it, and in these pieces they tell you all about it.
Caption: Mala Fernando tells her daughter Ashanthi Gajaweera about the early days of her marriage in Sri Lanka. <a href="">Listen Here</a>.
Updated: Jul 04, 2024


You can't help falling in love right along with the people in these stories. Romantic in the truest sense of the word.
Caption: PRX default Playlist image
Updated: Jul 04, 2024


Caption: Tony Perri (R) tells his grandson, Jeffrey (L) about coming out as a gay man. <a href="">Listen here</a>.
Updated: Jul 04, 2024


Tales about that moment when something clicks.
Caption: MJ Seide talks to her granddaughter Genna Alperin about falling in love with her partner, Genna's biological grandmother. <a href="">Listen Here</a>.
Updated: Jul 04, 2024


How do you identify? Stories dealing with the complicated reality that is identity.
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Updated: Jul 02, 2024

Fourth of July

All the ingredients you need.
Caption: The hand life deals you..., Credit: Susan Cook
Updated: Jun 27, 2024

The Indifference Diaries

Elie Weisel, the humanitarian Holocaust survivor, once said "The opposite of love is not hatred, it's indifference". Indifference brings out the worst in humanity sometimes. Sometimes we can't document the day-to-day sequence of events that culminate in harm. And sometimes we can.