Betsy Brown

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  • Username: betsyontheair
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


Caption: Papah?naumoku?kea partners pose with debris collected from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in 2017., Credit: NOAA

Plastics in Paradise: Wavelengths Podcast Episode 1 (13:56)
From: Betsy Brown

Hear how trash is affecting wildlife in one of the world's most remote places.
Caption: Bleached Anemone at Gab Gab II, Guam, Credit: Corri Gobin

White As Snow: Coral Bleaching in the Pacific (12:30)
From: Betsy Brown

Something happened to one of my favorite places this year. On Wavelengths Ocean Podcast I take you to the island of Guam where coral bleaching impacted the reefs four times ...
Caption: Instagram Hashtag Search for #monkseal

Using Social Media for Wildlife Monitoring (04:25)
From: Betsy Brown

Learn how scientists are using social to monitor endangered monk seals and the people who see them in the wild.