Days of Wonder
Series produced by Russ Jennings
A series of programs exploring the universal-spiritual meaning of the world's holy-days.
This occasional series will feature representatives of all traditions, explaining the esoteric mystical content of traditional holidays. In the can are: the Jewish High Holy Days ("The Jewish New Year"), Chanukah (The Kabbalah of Chanukah). In the works are Passover, Ramadan, and Easter. Over the years, the list will expand to 12-15 programs. These programs are designed for a broad audience, and can be used as seasonal specials. All programs will feature 40-50% music.
2 Pieces
Bought by KWIT, Red River Radio Network (E. Texas/Louisiana/Arkansas/Mississippi), WNMU-FM, Red River Radio Network (E. Texas/Louisiana/Arkansas/Mississippi), KWIT and more
- Added: Aug 16, 2005
- Length: 59:49
- Purchases: 11
Bought by WRKF, KBUT Crested Butte, Colo., KSUT, Michigan Radio, KRPS and more
- Added: Nov 28, 2004
- Length: 55:54
- Purchases: 47