What Will We Hear Today?

Series produced by WRYR 97.5 FM

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Children's music and literature with weekly themes

What Will We Hear Today? is a weekly one-hour program of music, stories, and poetry aimed at the young child. Each week's show "discusses" a different theme, for example: clothes; saying hello; food -- more than just something to eat; the seasons, or back to school. Some programs, like holiday shows, are time-sensitive; others are more general.

The intent is to introduce children (and their parents) to new kids artists as well as classic musicians and writers of various genres. Music/stories generated from popular TV and movies are aired rarely, the intent being to separate kids from video-based imagery. This program is a synthesis of existing works; no original works are created for the show.

The program has aired since August 29, 2002, solely at its host station, WRYR-LPFM, 97.5, Sherwood, Md.

1 Piece

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Upbeat intro for new listeners to What Will We Hear Today? children's music series

  • Added: Oct 22, 2004
  • Length: 57:21