All Pieces for Susan J. Cook

Caption: A migratory bird without a home..., Credit: Susan Cook
Legislative ethics exist to put the brakes on political gamesmanship- whether it’s trading votes to pass a bill, get a fat salaried new Federal job...

  • Added: Aug 20, 2014
  • Length: 10:07
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
Internet search engines have no way of taking context into consideration. The closest Google has come is to hone the search by user’s zip code, wh...

  • Added: Jul 27, 2014
  • Length: 06:37
Caption: Maybe the gorilla taught the person to sign.., Credit: Susan Cook
I watched a program the other night about a 500 pound gorilla, or maybe it was a monkey whose owner taught him sign language. Whatever. I am begin...

  • Added: Jul 25, 2014
  • Length: 04:11
Piece image
The vision of Gorbachev now is destroyed by Vladimir Putin. A sonnet will remind us of what Gorbachev made possible and what is now lost by Putin's...

Bought by KICI Iowa City

  • Added: Jul 07, 2014
  • Length: :57
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: My Bipartisan Famiy, Credit: Susan Cook
I have a bi -partisan family. Maybe you do too. It makes understanding politics all the more difficult because sometimes people don’t agree. When ...

  • Added: Jun 06, 2014
  • Length: 05:19
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
At a jazz performance, the lady next to me and I struck up a conversation. During World War II, she, a Czechoslovakian, and her family were exiled ...

Bought by KICI Iowa City

  • Added: May 18, 2014
  • Length: 06:50
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
When politicians talk about "working across the aisle", they talk about it as if they are endorsing a great ethic. But working across the aisle is...

  • Added: May 01, 2014
  • Length: 07:04
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
I am a great admirer of bird nests and those who build them. They make them with twigs, string, down. You find them sometimes nestled inside the a...

  • Added: Apr 28, 2014
  • Length: 06:50
Piece image
Expert canoe paddlers know that a predictable sign that swimming is imminent when the canoe starts to tip in rough water is the grabbing of the can...

  • Added: Apr 21, 2014
  • Length: 06:03
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
The civil liberties of the Constitution are wholesome, pure, and good. They sometimes require holding two ideas in the mind at the same time, not e...

  • Added: Mar 21, 2014
  • Length: 05:36
Caption:  Species: Corruptjodchuckcasaliz Newjerseyish, Credit: Susan Cook
Coming through the transom today, a letter from New Jersey to share. Civil Liberties: New Jersey-style!! How are they taken? Oh, I guess they mean ...

  • Added: Mar 04, 2014
  • Length: 03:50
Caption: What I Actually Said, Credit: Susan Cook
The protesters in Ukraine are showing us on a very public stage that criticism free from harassment and ridicule of the actions of public elected ...

  • Added: Feb 21, 2014
  • Length: 06:47
Caption: Gravel pits fall under Maine mining regulations
Winning is the short view of Political gamesmanship.Fake news creation is part and parcel of it. Environmental contamination is the long view when ...

  • Added: Feb 10, 2014
  • Length: 07:50
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
Are you concerned about your child emailing too much? Are you concerned about the effect on a child's spine of a head bent over a gaming system for...

  • Added: Feb 05, 2014
  • Length: 03:03
Caption: Maine Guide William Sewall and Teddy Roosevelt, Credit: Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library (detail) 520.12-015
Just before the Olympics, the country if not the world received, from a bully pulpit, a message from my state's junior United States senator. On te...

  • Added: Jan 25, 2014
  • Length: 03:30
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
Those who grew up in the era of Richard Nixon knew a time when "The Kingdom" took an especially frightening aura of power and glory. One speaking t...

  • Added: Jan 12, 2014
  • Length: 04:39
Caption: " close as you can to the truth, that wild horse that once you catch..., Credit: Susan Cook
The Sixty-Second Moral Inquiry asks questions about what is right and wrong. Today's Sixty-Second Moral Inquiry asks: Why not mangle,`distort the i...

  • Added: Jan 10, 2014
  • Length: 01:04
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
The mid-term elections are almost upon us. Now that Obama care is working, what political issues might be nearby? What will help us make good choic...

  • Added: Jan 03, 2014
  • Length: 03:13
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
After Nelson Mandela was freed from the life sentence he was serving in prison, he often spoke about refusing bitterness toward his captors. But h...

  • Added: Dec 06, 2013
  • Length: 02:54
Caption: New Managed car regulations require us to cover more items than we did before and our company has decided that is Unaffordable... we are cancelling your policy.", Credit: Susan Cook
Well, we thought it might happen. Over at Automobile Behavioral Health they are cancelling managed car insurance policies because the new "required...

  • Added: Nov 04, 2013
  • Length: 03:39