Kaia Findlay

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  • Username: kaia-findlay
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Station-Based

Recent Pieces from Kaia Findlay

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046: Why We Need More Therapists Of Color, 7/26/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

The majority of mental health professionals in the U.S. are white. Therapists of color are working to expand the diversity of their field and increase access to meet a rising ...
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042: Journeyed: Crossing State Lines For Abortion, 6/28/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Nearly one in five people seeking abortion care must cross state lines to get it. Here’s what it takes to get those folks to their appointments and back.
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Adjusted [A Pride Month Special]: Second Puberty After Testosterone (58:23)
From: Embodied

Puberty is a rite of passage that most of us experience as teenagers. But for some trans folks, big hormonal changes happen again in adulthood.
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039: Adjusted: Second Puberty After Testosterone, 6/7/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Puberty is a rite of passage that most of us experience as teenagers. But for some trans folks, big hormonal changes happen again in adulthood.
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037: Balanced: Love & Bipolar Disorder, 5/24/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

When you’re living with a stigmatized mental illness like bipolar disorder, opening up to romantic partners can be tough. A married couple and a single woman share their stories.
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036: Trouble With Sex: Understanding Hypersexuality and Sex Addiction, 5/17/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Compulsive sexual behavior has many names and no one clear diagnosis. But what is agreed upon is that when sex prohibits you from living life the way you want, that’s an ...
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034: Expanded: Sexuality in Conversation with Islam, 5/3/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Religion and sexuality are often pitted against one another...so where does that leave folks who seek attunement and education for both?
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032: Undertaken: The Next Generation Of Funeral Directors, 4/19/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

As the workforce of funeral directors ages, young folks are stepping up to lead and change the death care industry.
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031: Being and having an only child: separating truth from stereotype, 4/12/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Assumptions about narcissism, loneliness and selfishness in only children are largely that: assumptions. But there are experiences unique to being an only child — and ...
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030: Stimulated: unpacking the past and discovering the future of vibrators, 4/5/2024 (58:23)
From: Embodied

Vibrators have been around since the 19th century. Before they were marketed primarily as sex toys, they were sold as general health devices … and now they’ve become a tool ...