The Scorpion's Honey

Series produced by Gary Wallace

Caption: The Scorpion's Honey, Credit: Marco Gonzalez
Image by: Marco Gonzalez 
The Scorpion's Honey 

The thread that links this series are the Alter Egos that each character has.

Otrova Gomas utilizes the style and techniques of Cervantes that have lain dormant for centuries. He uses picaresque humor and surprise as he weaves his incredible tales. The Best of Otrova Gomas is a delightful blend of Mark Twain and The Twilight Zone with a dash of Graucho Marx sprinkled in for flavor. Otrova Gomas is a master at describing the thought processes of his unique characters who definitely have issues with their Alter Egos. The Spanish edition, ISBN: 978-980-271-396-7, was printed by Editorial Planeta Venezolana, S.A. The English edition is copyrighted under the title The Scorpion’s Honey by Otrova Gomas. (Library of Congress Copyright # 0 030 655 6903)

2 Pieces

Order by: Newest First | Oldest First
Caption: The Scorpion's Honey, Credit: Marco Gonzalez
Don't let addictions ruin your life.

  • Added: Sep 08, 2014
  • Length: 01:09:12
Caption: The Scorpion's Honey, Credit: Marco Gonzalez
Humorous, Didactical, Satire written as a series of case studies that show the impact of Alter Egos on the lives of its diverse characters. It is s...

  • Added: Sep 08, 2014
  • Length: 01:01:31