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Playlist: Peter Kreten's Portfolio

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Episode 1: Introductions

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 26:56

On the first episode of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton introduces the Veterans that will be on the next four episodes of Veteran Matters and the themes of each episode. The veterans also discuss why they enlisted in the service, and where they served.

Veteranmatters_small On the first episode of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton introduces the Veterans that will be on the next four episodes of Veteran Matters and the themes of each episode. The veterans also discuss why they enlisted in the service, and where they served.

Episode 2: Combat Experiences

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 24:41

On this edition of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton sits down with Steve, Buck, and Russ, veterans of World War II, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Steve, Buck, and Russ share their combat experiences and how it affected their time in service.

Veteranmatters_small On this edition of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton sits down with Steve, Buck, and Russ, veterans of World War II, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Steve, Buck, and Russ share their combat experiences and how it affected their time in service.

Episode 3: Military Experiences

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 26:42

Host Peter Hilton welcomes veterans Andy and Michael, to this edition of Veteran Matters, to discuss their overall military experiences. Andy discusses how his time in service was a difficult period of his life. While in contrast, Michael discusses how his time him service was one of his most fulfilling periods of his life.

Veteranmatters_small Host Peter Hilton welcomes veterans Andy and Michael, to this edition of Veteran Matters, to discuss their overall military experiences. Andy discusses how his time in service was a difficult period of his life. While in contrast, Michael discusses how his time him service was one of his most fulfilling periods of his life.

Episode 5: A Sailor's Tale

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 28:23

On this edition of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton welcomes to the program Norm, a veteran of World War II who served on the U.S.S. Bunker Hill in the Pacific theater during the war. Norm recalls how the Bunker Hill survived two kamikaze attacks towards the end of the war.

Veteranmatters_small On this edition of Veteran Matters, host Peter Hilton welcomes to the program Norm, a veteran of World War II who served on the U.S.S. Bunker Hill in the Pacific theater during the war. Norm recalls how the Bunker Hill survived two kamikaze attacks towards the end of the war.

Episode 7: In the Trenches, People and God

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 27:55

Host Peter Hilton explores how spirituality may have affected the veteran's time in service, and what their experiences were like when they encountered the civilian population.

Veteranmatters_small Host Peter Hilton explores how spirituality may have affected the veteran's time in service, and what their experiences were like when they encountered the civilian population.

Episode 8: A Soldier's Story

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 27:10

Host Peter Hilton welcomes to the program Bill. Bill is a veteran of the Korean War, and served at the front line of many operations in Korea. They discuss the effects combat had on Bill.

Veteranmatters_small Host Peter Hilton welcomes to the program Bill. Bill is a veteran of the Korean War, and served at the front line of many operations in Korea. They discuss the effects combat had on Bill.

Episode 9: Operation Magic Carpet

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 27:28

Host Peter Hilton continues the Veteran Matters series with the stories of Chris and Norm, two sailors in World War II who were apart of Operation Magic Carpet. This operation is best known from bringing service men and women home from war.

Veteranmatters_small Host Peter Hilton continues the Veteran Matters series with the stories of Chris and Norm, two sailors in World War II who were apart of Operation Magic Carpet. This operation is best known from bringing service men and women home from war.

Episode 11: Phoenix 20 Part 2

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 30:21

Part 2 of Phoenix 20 picks up right where part 1 ended. In this program, executive producer Sister Sue Sanders interviews host Dr. Peter Hilton about his experience in the military and the after effects it had on his life.

Veteranmatters_small Part 2 of Phoenix 20 picks up right where part 1 ended. In this program, executive producer Sister Sue Sanders interviews host Dr. Peter Hilton about his experience in the military and the after effects it had on his life.

Science and Religion. Do They Have to be at Odds with One Another? Part 1

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 26:51

Co-Host Peter Kreten welcomes Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ to the program. Brother Guy is a research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory. In part 1 of this discussion, Brother Guy discusses how he first became interested in science, and how science can help us to better understand God.

Default-piece-image-1 Co-Host Peter Kreten welcomes Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ to the program. Brother Guy is a research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory. In part 1 of this discussion, Brother Guy discusses how he first became interested in science, and how science can help us to better understand God.

Science and Religion. Do They Have to be at Odds with One Another? Part 2

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 25:39

Co-Host Peter Kreten welcomes Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ to the program. Brother Guy is a research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory. In Part 2, Brother Guy continues the discussion on science and religion suggesting how we can see God’s fingerprints when we study nature and the universe.

Default-piece-image-1 Co-Host Peter Kreten welcomes Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ to the program. Brother Guy is a research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory. In Part 2, Brother Guy continues the discussion on science and religion suggesting how we can see God’s fingerprints when we study nature and the universe.

Father Robert Barron

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 26:51

Co-Host Sister Joy Clough, R.S.M. welcomes to the program Father Robert Barron, creator and host of the 10-part series “Catholicism”, which has been seen on PBS. Sister Joy and Father Barron discuss the challenges of putting the series together, his Word on Fire ministries, and how God still matters today.

Default-piece-image-1 Co-Host Sister Joy Clough, R.S.M. welcomes to the program Father Robert Barron, creator and host of the 10-part series “Catholicism”, which has been seen on PBS. Sister Joy and Father Barron discuss the challenges of putting the series together, his Word on Fire ministries, and how God still matters today.

21st Century Media and Ethics

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 29:35

Co-Host Peter Kreten welcomes Sister Nancy Houlihan, R.S.M. to the program. Sister Nancy is a Sister of Mercy and teacher at Mother McAuley high school located in Chicago. Sister Nancy holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Arts from the University of Notre Dame, and created a Media Literacy course at Mother McAuley. On the program, Sister Nancy discusses the current state of the media and how the media reflects our societal priorities.



The Camino de Santingo

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 30:19

Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the Program Sister Kathy Thornton, RSM. Sister Kathy is a Sister of Mercy and recently completed the Camino de Santingo Pilgrimage.


Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Sister Kathy Thornton, RSM. Sister Kathy is a Sister of Mercy, and recently participated in the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage. Sister Kathy discusses her preparation for her journey, the adventures she experienced while on her journey, and how the pilgrimage changed her life. 

Spiritual Direction 101

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 24:21

Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Sister Carol Mucha, RSM, a Sister of Mercy and a Spiritual Director. On this edition of God Matters, Sister Carol discusses what is a Spiritual Director, and what are some common misconceptions of it.

Default-piece-image-0 Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Sister Carol Mucha, RSM, a Sister of Mercy and a Spiritual Director from Saint Xavier University in Chicago. On this edition of God Matters, Sister Carol discusses what is a Spiritual Director, how it functions in the Church, and what are some common misconceptions of Spiritual Direction.

Problems Facing the Native American Communities

From WXAV 88.3FM Chicago | 28:46

Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Professor Jim Steyskal from the School of Education at Saint Xavier University. On this edition of the program, Professor Steyskal discusses the current state of Native American reservations.

Default-piece-image-2 Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Professor Jim Steyskal from the School of Education at Saint Xavier University. On this edition of the program, Professor Steyskal discusses the current state of Native American reservations, the landscape of the New Mexico desert, and how individuals can get involved to assist Native Americans.