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Playlist: Manhattan Comp - Pieces about place

Compiled By: Jacqueline Kook

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From Voices of Youth - Moab | 04:26

A portrait of a local Moab coffee shop as a reflection of community

Default-piece-image-1 Voices of Youth students are often required to create stories of people and place, connecting their thoughts to the local community. Cori, in writing about her favorite coffee shop really captured the essence of community.

Southwest Side Stories: The Hot Place to Be

From ChiTownGirl group | 02:17

Here's why Cornell Park is the hot place to be.

Default-piece-image-1 Past the metal gates of Cornell Park, all you can see is junk and waste. It's dilapidated and rundown. You wonder, "Why would anyone want to come to this park?" But then you notice a couple of kids using their imagination to turn a trash dump into a special hideaway. Sharonda records her neighborhood and sends it to you.

Southwest Side Stories: The Jumps

From carly zwiazek | 02:01

On the Southwest Side, serenity is motorcycle racing at The Jumps.

Dirtbike_small Life in the city is never quiet; in her neighborhood, Carly finds peace watchng the motorcycles race. Follow Carly on a quest through the South Side of Chicago. She takes you to a place tucked behind the city streets where racing meets contemplation.