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Playlist: Kelly Wilkinson's Favorites

Compiled By: Kelly Wilkinson

Caption: PRX default Playlist image
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Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Pledge Spot Celebrity Persuasion

From WNYC | Part of the Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Station Fundraising Spots series | :59

The acclaimed actor employs his fame on behalf of public radio.

Patrick-stewart2_small The acclaimed actor employs his fame on behalf of public radio.

A Vaccum - Tom & Ray Magliozzi

From NPR Fundraising | :38

NPR Production Archives

Tom & Ray Magliozzi - CAR TALK

Default-piece-image-2 NPR Production Archives
Tom & Ray Magliozzi - CAR TALK

The high spirited Tom & Ray pitch for public radio.  (They offer a play on the word "vaccum")

Radiolab Pledge Spot - Difference

From Radiolab | :41

Pledge with gusto!


JA:  Hello, I’m Jad Abumrad

RK:  Bark.  Bark it out.

JA:  Hello, I’m Jad Abumrad!

RK:  More drill instructor-y

JA:  Hello, I’m Jad Abumrad !!

RK:  I’m Robert Krulwich,

JA:  We’re from Radiolab

RK:  Let’s go harder, let’s do the Marines

JA:  (deep voice) Hello, I’m Jad Abumrad!!

RK:  I’m Robert Krulwich!

JA:  We are from Radiolab!

RK:  Pledge!

JA:  Pledge!

RK:  Pledge!

JA:  Pledge!

RK:  Pledge!

JA:  (laugh) That’s not going to get anyone to pledge.  Maybe we should be a little more earnest. 

RK:  Okay.

JA:  (mellow)  Hey, I’m Jad Abumrad

RK:  And I’m Robert Krulwich

JA:  We’re from Radiolab

RK:  We’re going to be pretty explicit here

JA:  Yeah

RK: if you pledge today...

JA:  it will make a difference.

RK:  That’s it. 

[short music tail]


The Heart of the Morning- Renee Montagne

From NPR Fundraising | :54

NPR Production Archives

Renee Montagne for Morning Edition

Default-piece-image-1 NPR Production Archives

NPR Production Archives

Renee Montagne for Morning Edition

MORNING EDITION brings you interesting and remarkable people.  You never know who is going to show up.    This spot feature a clip from an interview with actor/filmmaker Mel Brooks wiht a heartfelt thought.

Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Pledge Spot "To Be or Not to Be"

From WNYC | Part of the Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Station Fundraising Spots series | :58

A short riff on the familiar monologue from Hamlet.

Patrick-stewart2_small A short riff on the familiar monologue from Hamlet.

Radiolab Pledge Spot - Pet Radio

From Radiolab | :58

Don't buy a pet, pledge!

Default-piece-image-0 RK:  I’m Robert Krulwich
JA:  I’m Jad Abumrad,  We’re from Radiolab.
RK:  Are you thinking about getting a pet?
JA:  But maybe you are not so sure?
[dog barks]
JA:  Well, we have a solution
RK:  It’s kind of obvious, really
JA:  Make your radio your pet.  Your radio! 
[“If you want Carl’s voice on your home answering machine give us a call…”]
JA: Public radio makes a great companion
[“Hi I’m Steve Inskeep…”]
RK:  It’s great around the kids
[“It’s This American Life from WBEZ Chicago…”]
JA:  People on the radio, they are smart
[“This is Fresh Air . . .]
JA:  They make you laugh
[laughing Click and Clack]
JA:  And you don’t have to clean up after them
[“I’m Robert Siegel…”]
JA:  But the only thing you have do for your radio is . . .   feed it.
[sound of food in a bowl]
JA: By pledging
RK: Whatever you choose to pledge
JA:  We will make sure your new best friend—that being the radio—stays healthy and happy
[Music tails]   

Radiolab Pledge Spot - Ramen

From Radiolab | 01:00

Don't go out for dinner tonight! Pledge!

Default-piece-image-1 JA: Hello, I’m Jad Abumrad
RK: I’m Robert Krulwich.  We’re from Radiolab.
JA: So Robert, say it’s been a long a week, you get home Friday night, and you are starving.  What do you do?
RK: Well, I could go out for a relaxing dinner …
JA:  Yeah, maybe start with a small appetizer…
RK:  Cheap bottle of wine just to unwind…
JA: Some cheesecake…
RK: I love cheesecake.
JA:  Yeah, exactly.
RK: Well, this is getting kind of pricey.
JA:  Yeah, before you know it you’ve spent $40…
RK: Maybe $50.00.  We’ve got a really bold idea for you.  This weekend, instead of going out…
JA:  Stay in!
RK:  And as for what to eat…
JA:  One little word for you.
[shaking sound]
RK:  It cost 99 cents…
JA:  Comes in its own convenient cup...
RK: RAMEN!!!!!
[slurping sounds]
JA:  Mmmmm, this is so good.
RK:  Very good.
JA:  You can’t beat it.
RK:  It’s all over my shirt.
JA:  And then send the money you would have spent on dinner
RK: to us!
JA:  40 bucks, 50 bucks…
RK:  Send a dinner’s worth our way!
JA:  Mmm, exactly.  Honor us with Ramen!



Radiolab Pledge Spot - Slow Down

From Radiolab | 01:00

Did we say the number too fast? Do you have paper? A pen? Ok, here is comes...nice and slow!

Radiolab Pledge Spot - Romance

From Radiolab | 01:03

Radiolab is here to bring back the romance of pledging.

Default-piece-image-2 RK:  Hello, I’m Robert Krulwich
JA:  I’m Jad Abumrad
RK:  And we’re here to bring back the romance of pledging.
JA:  Wait, what?
RK:  Well, pledging, Jad, is kind of sexy if you think about it the right way.
JA:  Did you just say sexy?  Pledging?
RK:  Hear me out . . . pledging has all of the hallmarks of a bold romantic gesture.
JA:  It does?
RK:  Sure
JA:  How?
RK:  Okay, imagine, somewhere out there a dashing stranger sits alone by the radio.  He likes what he hears.
[Tape from Click and Clack]
RK:  So he grabs the phone, and, with a kind of devil-may-care grin, he debonairly pledges to the station that he loves.
[Hello?  I would like to donate my money to you.]
JA:  Do you think there are any chivalrous admirers out there right now? 

RK: Well, you never know, but you can tilt your ear, fondly, to the phones here and wait hopefully.

[Music Out]

Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Space-themed Pledge Spot

From WNYC | Part of the Sir Patrick Stewart Generic Station Fundraising Spots series | 01:15

The Star Trek star encourages your listeners to take the pledge journey of a lifetime.

Patrick-stewart2_small The Star Trek star encourages your listeners to take the pledge journey of a lifetime.

Radiolab Pledge Spot - Idea Fix

From Radiolab | 01:53

Pledge drives can take your dopamine levels down, but don't worry, Radiolab can help.
