Philosophy Talk

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Philosophy on the radio? You've got to be kidding? Well, sometimes we do (kid, that is). Mostly we look at today's important ideas with an eye to thinking them through.

Philosophy Talk is a weekly, one-hour radio series. The hosts' down-to-earth and no-nonsense approach brings the richness of philosophic thought to everyday subjects. Topics are lofty (Truth, Beauty, Justice), arresting (Terrorism, Intelligent Design, Suicide), and engaging (Baseball, Love, Happiness).

This is not a lecture or a college course; it's philosophy in action!

Philosophy Talk is a fun opportunity to explore issues of importance to your audience in a thoughtful, friendly fashion, where thinking is encouraged.


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194 Pieces

The marketplace version of Philosophy Talk. Stations can cherry-pick episodes for license. For the automated series please view Philosophy Talk: Weekly.

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85 Pieces

The program that questions everything... except your intelligence.


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Is it irrational to want to be better than you are?

Bought by KTSW 89.9, GCR (Global Community Radio), KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio, WNYO, KSKQ and more

  • Added: Aug 23, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 8
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What does questioning everything have to do with being creative?

Bought by KTSW 89.9, GCR (Global Community Radio), KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio, KSKQ, KNVC Carson City Community Radio and more

  • Added: Aug 09, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 7
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What movies of the past year challenged our assumptions and made us think about things in new ways?

Bought by KTSW 89.9, KSKQ, GCR (Global Community Radio), WNYO, KMUN and more

  • Added: Aug 02, 2021
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 9
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What's the right way for developed nations to fight global poverty?

Bought by KOJB 90.1 FM The eagle, KTSW 89.9, KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio, and KNVC Carson City Community Radio

  • Added: Jul 19, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 4
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Is power a matter of top-down control, or is it distributed throughout society?

Bought by KMUN, GCR (Global Community Radio), KTSW 89.9, KSKQ, KNVC Carson City Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jul 05, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 6
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Should we care about what other people think of us?

Bought by KSKQ, GCR (Global Community Radio), KTSW 89.9, KMUN, KNVC Carson City Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jun 28, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 6

  • Added: Jun 14, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 6
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Are people cruel to others despite -- or because of -- their victims' humanity?

Bought by GCR (Global Community Radio), KTSW 89.9, KMUN, KSKQ, KNVC Carson City Community Radio and more

  • Added: May 31, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 6
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Do sports help us cultivate virtues such as loyalty, collaboration, and discipline, or do they promote feelings like rivalry, tribalism, and obsess...

Bought by KMUN, GCR (Global Community Radio), KTSW 89.9, KMUN, KSKQ and more

  • Added: May 17, 2021
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 7

  • Added: May 03, 2021
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 4