All Pieces for Albert Grauer

Piece image
NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test or DART for short will test methods to make a dangerous asteroid miss Earth.

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WTIP, WLPR and more

  • Added: Feb 22, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 11
Piece image
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Hannes Groeller was asteroid hunting with our Schmidt telescope on Mt. Bigelow, Arizona when he discovered his fir...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WLPR and more

  • Added: Feb 15, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Piece image
A tiny space rock passes through the cloud of communications satellites surrounding the Earth.

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , KRWG and more

  • Added: Feb 10, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Piece image
The object which the 2.3 mile diameter Gault hit is likely to have been a third of a mile diameter space rock. This celestial crash left Gault with...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , KRWG and more

  • Added: Feb 02, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
The extremely remote chance that a dangerous mountain sized space rock has our number on it is what keeps my team going to our four telescopes in t...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, Bandon Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jan 25, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Piece image
For the first time in history, an asteroid hunting team, the Catalina Sky Survey, has discovered more than 1,000 Earth approaching asteroids in a s...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, Bandon Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jan 19, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
During Comet C/2018 V4 Africano's last visit to the inner solar system humans were erecting the outer ring at Stonehenge. At the rate human's are c...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WLPR and more

  • Added: Jan 12, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Piece image
Recently, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Hannes Growler discovered an Earth approaching asteroid which has a speed consistent with it being eject...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , WTIP and more

  • Added: Jan 05, 2019
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
An interstellar traveler visits our neighborhood on its tour of the Milky Way.

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KUPR low power FM, WLPR and more

  • Added: Dec 28, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Piece image
The discovery of a Jupiter family comet whose fate is to become a garden variety main belt asteroid.

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WLPR and more

  • Added: Dec 22, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
On Halloween night while observing with the Catalina Sky Survey's 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Arizona I discovered 21 space rocks streaking th...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WLPR and more

  • Added: Dec 13, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Piece image
As asteroid hunters equipment and skills continue to improve we will be able to find and track some of these tiny impactors and perhaps be able to ...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , WTIP and more

  • Added: Dec 08, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Piece image
Space is not all that far away. If a powerful solar eruption in 2012 had happened a week earlier, the blast of radiation would have caused wide sp...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KUPR low power FM, KKRN and more

  • Added: Nov 30, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Piece image
The discovery of two large ghostly neighbors approximately 65,000 by 45,000 miles in size at the L4 and L5 sites approximately 250,000 miles from b...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KKRN, KRWG and more

  • Added: Nov 27, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Piece image
Since 1900 there have been 11 close approaches by asteroids larger than 300 feet in diameter. One of them, the Tunguska Object was about 400 feet ...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WTIP and more

  • Added: Nov 18, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
My team, the Catalina Sky Survey, would not find a single asteroid without Steward Observatory's Mountain Lemmon Operations, or Mtn Ops for short. ...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, KRWG, WTIP and more

  • Added: Nov 16, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
Aten Asteroids are stealthy space rocks which can be dim and hard to detect since for most of their path about the Sun their illuminated side is f...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , WTIP and more

  • Added: Nov 10, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Piece image
Ten hours and 46 minutes after my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Greg Leonard discovered a Toyota RAV4 sized space rock, now named 2018 UA, streaking...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , WTIP and more

  • Added: Nov 03, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Piece image
Until recently the discovery of very close approaching asteroids was rare, however, due to improvements in telescopes, cameras, and computers aster...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , WTIP and more

  • Added: Nov 02, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Piece image
Don't count on the decrease in solar activity to save you from human produced global warming, however something potentially important to you is hap...

Bought by Simply Beautiful, Allegheny Mountain Radio, KENW, WLPR , KUPR low power FM and more

  • Added: Oct 28, 2018
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9