Comments by B B

Comment for "Verbal Abuse"

Review of "Verbal Abuse"

This feature touches on verbal abuse, an important subject that affects many, many teens (and others). For that reason, I felt that the music choice was inappropriate. I did like how it had an example of name calling in the beginning of the piece, as it gave context.

Comment for "Shoulder Devil"

Review of "Shoulder Devil"

Victoria from City High Radio talks about the "voices" in her head - those of her conscience, and sometimes her mother! The music choice is apt, and gives a nice ending. I rather like the giggling, unprofessional feel of this piece, but even in this style, it's important to make sure that the volume levels are well done.

Comment for "Vox Pop: The Return of Vinyl"

Review of "Vox Pop: The Return of Vinyl"

First off, great music choice.. This is a quick and lively vox pop piece on vinyl. I appreciated the variety of answers that were expressed in such a short time. But make sure your levels are constant, and that the music doesn't overpower the narrator, especially at the end. Lastly, nice touch with the "Vinyl, all day!" shout out.

Comment for "A Chain of Missing Links"

Review of "A Chain of Missing Links"

I like the realness of this piece on youth substance abuse - however, without reading the description, I wouldn't have realized it was explicitly about substance abuse until a ways in. There are a few volume level changes to take another look at, but the music works very well with the feature. My favorite part is around 1:50, even though in a technical sense it doesn't fit in, because it's a very raw feeling about family.

Comment for "Where do you go to find peace?"

Review of Where Do You Go To Find Peace

It would be nice to have the question asked in the beginning of the feature -- "where do you go to find peace?" Nevertheless, I loved that there were a few unsurprising answers and then a crazy one! (Be warned, though, that there is a tiny bit of NSFW content in one response.) At around 0:30, there is a big level jump. The greatest merit of this piece is the unexpected and hilarious response of one teen.

Comment for "What Is Your Favorite Childhood Book?"

Review of What Is Your Favorite Childhood Book

I like the way this piece starts off. The music and the spacing set a tone of nostalgia and reflection on favorite childhood books. There is an intriguing variety of responses here -- some a bit creepy and some inspiring. However, the ending crept up on me when I was expecting another person's story. That could be fixed by adding a sign-off. Additionally, there are wrinkling noises around 0:40-0:55. Overall, this feature is a conversation starter!

Comment for "What If"

Review of What If

This piece in a wonderful in so many ways. The narration is superb, though I hesitate to call it "narration" because I really feel connected to Ellie Evans as she speaks almost in dialogue with me, the listener. She skillfully weaves in pauses for reflection with rhetorical questions that manage not to sound contrived. The various music is well picked to fit the mood. I especially liked that this rather vague, poetic piece also included more personal details of Ellie's life. It allowed me to forge a unique, understanding bond over a radio feature. Lastly, if I had to make one technical suggestion, it would be that Ellie's voice comes in a little loudly over the music.

Comment for "Senior Year in High School"

Review of Senior Year In High School

I like hearing the vantage point of Edison High School seniors on what next year's going to be like for me (I'm a junior now). Mohamed has a very clear voice, and this is a high quality recording. However, it is clear at some points that he is reading off a script. I appreciate the authenticity of his ending -- "that's what's real" -- and wish that the musical choice was similarly fitting. But as this piece was produced for Jazz 88 FM, it's something I can live with! "Senior Year In High School" is a quick and refreshing feature.

Comment for "Best Couple"

Review of "Best Couple"

I had the pleasure of meeting Vikky Cruz and hearing her piece two weeks ago at a radio event. I have literally nothing bad to say about this piece - the transitions, volumes, and ambient noise are flawless. Most importantly, her description of not just her yearbook superlative, "Best Couple," but of her general relationship and family life speaks powerfully to me. I love that the feature is casually narrated but professionally produced.

Comment for "Carlos and the DREAM Act"

Review of "Carlos and the DREAM Act"

I was drawn to this piece both because I had signed online petitions in support of the DREAM Act and because I grew up in Seattle. I was rewarded with an emotional, personal piece. The interviews have very clear quality, but there are some volume jumps between clips. I wish the narrator had put more enthusiasm into her parts - it contrasts harshly with the rawness of Carlos's story. I was rather confused when the narration faded out into interview clips as opposed to simply cutting off. Also, check for pauses in the narration that are too long. This piece really stands out to me for undocumented student Carlos Padilla's illuminating words. Even though the DREAM Act fell five votes short in the Senate in December 2010, I highly recommend this piece.

Comment for "Learning to Breathe"

Review of "Learning To Breathe"

The topic of high school academic stress is a familiar one to teens across the nation - and that fact in itself should speak to adult listeners, as well. Even with only one narrator, this piece features a variety of audio, including snippets of Zoe Sheinkopf's personal "audio log," ambient noise of her high school, and the song that helped her through it all. These were edited in wonderfully, though at times, it is hard to hear the narration over the various background noises, and the audio clips are a bit quiet. The music was a nice touch, both aurally and in terms of Zoe's story, but I believe it would sound better if the .mp3 file was edited in directly as opposed to recording it with a mic (perhaps that's not legal; if so, my bad). I could also hear page turning. In summation, check volume levels, and you've got a great, full-circle piece detailing a high schooler's journey with stress.

PS. I especially like the title!

Comment for "Teacher Crush Vox"

Review of "Teacher Crush Vox"

Fun piece! It's easily relatable - after all, who hasn't ever had a crush on a teacher? - and flows smoothly from question to question. An upbeat song excellently faded in and out makes for a lively listen. Unfortunately, the section of interwoven clips at :27 went by too quickly for me to comprehend until I had listened to it multiple times. One or two clips are spaced too closely to each other and there are a small number of level discrepancies, but overall, the producer(s) did a great job working with and around the high school ambience noise. "Teacher Crush Vox" definitely entertains with humorous responses from a variety of high school students.