Ruxandra Guidi
- Username: rguidi
- Freelance Journalist
- Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent
- Email:
Autos Katrina
From: Ruxandra Guidi
Over the last 6 months, cars damaged by Hurricane Katrina and discarded by the U.S., have been ending up in Bolivia.
Coca Si!
From: Ruxandra Guidi
The government of Bolivia would like it understood that it is not in the cocaine business. It's in the coca business.
Cocaina No!
From: Ruxandra Guidi
Bolivia's controversial "Coca Yes, Cocaine No" program" is designed to fight illegal cocaine production and trafficking, while allowing the cultivation of coca for legal purposes.
Bolivarian Slogans
From: Ruxandra Guidi
In Venezuela, slogans are supposed to influence how the people feel about their president.
Haitian Bank for the Poor Rewards Advancement
From: Ruxandra Guidi
The idea is simple: Haitian women take a small loan and commit to improving their family’s standard of living. The better they do, the more money they can borrow at no ...
Ruxandra is currently available for new projects, has a car, and is available to travel Internationally.Skills
- Producing: News
- Field Recording
- Editing
- Reporting
- News Consulting
- Podcast Production: Basic
- Writing
- Reporting in Spanish
- French
- Portuguese
Available For
- Multimedia
- Field Recording
- News Reporting
- Documentary Production
- Interviewing
- Mentoring
- Tape Syncs
- Print Reporting
- Voiceover
- Arts Reporting
- Sound Editing
- Podcasting
- Hard Disc/Flash Recorder
- Adobe Audition
Languages I Speak
- Portugese
- English
- French
- Spanish