dawn royston

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  • Username: omdawn
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Listener


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"Lady Bird Johnson: Legacy of a First Lady" Module #8: Wildflower Center (06:25)
From: Joe Bevilacqua

For Women's History Month, eighth of eight short profiles in her own words.
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"Lady Bird Johnson: Legacy of a First Lady" Module #7: Highway Beautification (07:07)
From: Joe Bevilacqua

For Women's History Month, seventh of eight short profiles in her own words.
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"Lady Bird Johnson: Legacy of a First Lady" Module #6: Environmental Causes, featuring Barbara Bush (06:06)
From: Joe Bevilacqua

For Women's History Month, sixth of eight short profiles in her own words.
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"Lady Bird Johnson: Legacy of a First Lady" Module #5 - The Civil Rights Movement (06:27)
From: Joe Bevilacqua

For Women's History Month, fifth of eight short profiles in her own words.
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"Lady Bird Johnson: Legacy of a First Lady" Module #4 - with Barbara Bush (04:31)
From: Joe Bevilacqua

For Women's History Month, the fourth of eight short profiles in her own words.