Native Lights: Biidaapi
Series produced by Ampers
The special series of Native Lights is all about connecting with our neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Ojibwe, the word “biidaapi” means: she/he arrives laughing. We're keeping our spirits up by talking with our community, family, and friends, during this difficult time. Let's share a few minutes together and care for one another, while having a laugh.
24 Pieces
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Hosts Leah Lemm and Cole Premo check-in with Tall Paul (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe) an Anishinaabe and Oneida Hip-Hop artist.
Tall Paul calls in to ...
- Added: Apr 01, 2020
- Length: 11:40
We talk with Brenda Child (Red Lake Nation) about the origin story of the Jingle Dress and how it relates to the 1918 Flu epidemic, and what the pa...
- Added: Mar 31, 2020
- Length: 14:50
Biidaapi: s/he comes laughing. (Ojibwemowin)Greetings from Native Lights! Sometimes we just want to talk to a parent or elder during uncertain time...
- Added: Mar 27, 2020
- Length: 16:01
Biidaapi: s/he comes laughing. (Ojibwemowin)
Greetings from Native Lights! Thanks for listening. During this COVID-19 pandemic, when we’re encoura...
Bought by WTIP
- Added: Mar 27, 2020
- Length: 05:56
- Purchases: 1