Comments for Death Bear Goes Visiting

Caption: Death Bear taking away painful memories, Credit: Photo by Kevin Walsh

This piece belongs to the series "Champs Not Chumps"

Produced by Thomas Dodson

Other pieces by Thomas Dodson

Summary: Performance artist Nate Hill describes a harrowing break-up.

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Death and Purgatory

"Death Bear" has so much going for it, with surprising images and emotional turns, but it could use the producer’s narration just to keep it cohesive. That would also open it up to be nonlinear. Start with the tears and stabbing. Let us care about Nate and wonder what’s going to happen before going into the exposition about Death Bear. Once we’re hooked on the story, we’ll wait for the explanation. I'm all for the elliptical and the askew, but as it is, these fragments make me wish for something more complete.