Piece Comment

Review of Two-Minute Danger Theater 01: The Voice "Death Stalks at Midnight" Ch 1

The Voice is a unique and innovative piece with a Rocky and Bullwinkle feel to it. I'd definitely like to hear more radio like this, anywhere in the Public Radio day. I think radio needs more spice.

These are humorous short episodes. Maybe "The Voice" will become old, but this variety of radio should be encouraged.

[note from reviewer 12/11/03] I just heard "Poultry Slam" from TAL (I listen through Audible.com, so I'm a little behind). Ira Glass has an affinity for shows like this, too. So, now I'm convinced this sort of serial has a place on public radio. If people like it, why does it have to fit a 'certain sound'?

Ira's affinity was aimed at Chicken Man, which is better than The Voice, but the 1-5 rating doesn't ask me whether I really like this piece (although I do), it asks me how much I want to hear stuff like this on public radio. Maybe it's just me -- or me and Mr. Glass -- but I do want to hear stuff like this on my public radio.

I visited the Chicken Man web site and Famous Dick Orkin, the creator, says he isn't still doing them because it's hard to make money at doing a syndicated serial. Doesn't bode well for The Voice, but maybe he'll (and we'll) get lucky.