Piece Comment

Review of What We Are Thankful For

This piece, highlighting what students are thankful for, provides some nice holiday spirit by making listeners ponder their own answer while hearing students give theirs. The music in this piece was calm and relaxing, adding to the simple mood. Transitioning between each person's response was done well, and the ambient noise was similar enough to where it didn't sound abrupt or drastically different. The intro was extremely straightforward, introducing the point of the story right off the bat; however, the outro was not up to par with the story's exquisite opening. The last lines by the narrator were too short and didn't close it perfectly. It served the purpose of ending the piece, but in the future, a little more meat at the end would be awesome. "What We Are Thankful For" is a great listen for folks who want to warm up to the holiday spirit this year. Leaving me thinking about what I'm thankful for this holiday season, this piece let me hear what other kids like me had to say to the classic question, "What are you thankful for?"