Comments by Nathanael Johnson

Comment for "Kasper Hauser: Spicy Pony Head"

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Review of Kasper Hauser: Spicy Pony Head


Comment for "Clifford & Kidd - It's Just Lunch"

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Review of Clifford & Kidd - It's Just Lunch

The joke here is in imagining the type of person that would meet platonic friends on the Internet. It's polished, the sound is great the voices are convincing. The problem is it's almost too real. It's like listening in on an awkward conversation - nothing happens that's absurd enough or telling enough to make me laugh. No comic narrative evolves - unless it's these charaters proving over and over again that they are painfully deliberate.

Comment for ""I could tell you stories, but I don't think you want to hear them.""

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Review of "I could tell you stories, but I don't think you want to hear them."

This is a well crafted short story delivered in first person by a good actor. There's a strong narrative flow and it takes you places - with a subtle touch.

Comment for "Jimmy Breslin: The Art of Climbing Tenement Stairs"

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Review of Jimmy Breslin: The Art of Climbing Tenement Stairs

This piece moves - a great example of how to sustain a profile over a full half hour. Produced with great affection for Breslin, but also aknowledges his faults. Great two-way tape.